prison break notes

Prison break notes

The role of the producer was to plan and an entertaining episode for the audience.

The Audience watching prison break are known as the consumers , because at the beginning we are shown Michael getting a tattoo , what we don’t know is that the tattoo is symbolic for something much greater , that he planning to break his brother out of prison, which suggests to me this is a non-linear structure. During some aspects of the episode we are shown many flashbacks which represents something along of Michael plan to break him and his brother out of prison.

The hero- Michael Scofield

The helper- Fernando S

The prize – Lincoln burrows

The villain – the people that put Lincoln in prison, in this case the government.

The donor – Doctor Tencrity

 The flashback happens when Michael is remembering when he visited his brother in prison and asked him questions such as “Did you kill that man” all these flashbacks links to why Michael is breaking his brother out of prison because he believes his brother is an innocent man, so therefore it’s a discontinuity because there are flashbacks. The role of the producer was to set this in a place where it’s entertaining for the audience it was set in USA Chicago.

This a sub-genre of action/drama. There is time and space used within the episode because it’s shot within a single timeframe. The cliff-hanger is used at the end because if it wasn’t it wouldn’t make the audience want to watch more , its produces more viewers to make the audience watch to engage more with the programme to find out what happens next.

Prison break happens in chronology order, it starts off at the beginning with Michael getting the tattoo then goes over to the crime committed to get himself put in prison then ends up in prison. It’s a linear structure it has a beginning middle and end.   

The spiral format is spilt into different episodes and seasons so prison break has 5 seasons and 22 episodes 22 for each season.

Concurrent/parallel – The show is concurrent because there are more than one event happening during prison break such as Michael going to prison and LJ going off the rails because his dad is in prison , the different storylines keep the audience interested .   



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