narrative and genre key terms

Level 2 Media Unit 1C: Narrative and Genre Key Terms
Non Linear Narratives
  • Chronology
  • A list which has a chronology order , or has a certain arrangement.
  • Concurrent / parallel narratives
  • a concurrent is something existing or happening at the same time.
  • Flashback / Flash-forward
  • a flashback is when a character in a scene is furthering back to the past or we are seeing glimpses of the past , a  flash forward is when your seeing things happening in the future.
  • Time and space
  • Serial format
  • Cliffhangers
     a cliff-hanger is when  
  • Editing and non-linear narratives: continuity v dis-continuity
  • Use of a narrator as a piece to camera, voice over, caption
  • Subjective / objective
  • Mode of address / tone
Genre and its function
  • Types
  • Sub –genres
  • Cross genre products
  • Role for the audience
  • Role for the producer


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